As some of you may have heard we are about to begin an adventure. We are on a nationwide job hunt for a full-time band/music teaching job for Jon. His district has made crazy cuts for the fall and he will only be part time, giving us a 40% pay cut. While we are grateful for the fact that yes, he does still have a job, which is more than many can say, sadly we can not live on what his new salary would be...which means it job hunt time. One major problem we are running into is that many full-time openings we have found pay less than what he would make here working part-time.
I'm sure that some of you may be thinking that I (Michelle) going back to work could help the problem. We have thought of this. However, I have been removed from the classroom now for over 2 years and I left my last job mid-school year (major taboo). In order for my certificate to stay current I would have to start taking grad classes, which we obviously can't afford. I also have no where near the earning potential that Jon has. He has 5 years experience and almost a master's degree (he'll finish it this summer). Jon can actually make more money part-time than I could full-time as essentially a first year teacher. The only thing I have going for me is that I have a more diversified certificate being able to teach K-8 self-contained or 6-8 language arts or science. However, the cost of daycare would negate nearly one of our whole salaries so it still leaves us in the same spot as we started.
So, while i know my readership is rather low...if any of you out in cyber-land know of any jobs that my wonderfully talented hubby is qualified for, if you wouldn't mind sending the info our way that would be great. Thanks!